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Natural, Vegan, Organic Cosmetics from Poland
Are you looking for a variety of natural products that are all available in one shop?You’re in the right place!At Planteco, we are focused on providing you with the highest quality of service!Our mission is to create a place for quick, easy and above all safe purchase ofnatural products that are friendly to you and the environment.We aim to maintain a diverse selection of products in our store, and we believe that everyone will find something for themselves.We are constantly expanding our range with you in mind!Can't find your favourite product? Let us know and we will try to include yoursuggestions in our store!Here at Planteco we are here for you 🙂As of 03.01.2021 shipping prices have changed.
Orders placed between 11th-16th March will be dispatched on 17th March
Enjoy -10% with code 10off on all orders over £20 🙂
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